Principles of academic freedom dictate that any individual may teach any subject for which an employing institution or private student(s) deems him or her qualified.  However, in the area of chiropractic technique, such purchasers of instructional services may wish to assure themselves beforehand that an individual is competent to present an authoritative exposition of a particular technique, consistent with its historical development and its contemporary practice by qualified practitioners, by whose consensus he or she speaks as an expert.  It is intended that instructor certification by the Blair Chiropractic Membership Association, serves as a credentialing function relative to the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique.

Instructor Certification Process

The Blair Instructor certification serves to assure the doctor and student alike that the certified doctor is considered qualified to teach the Blair Technique Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced Seminars by virtue of passing the testing procedures established by the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Society Inc, 501c3.

 A full description of the Blair Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced Seminars can be obtained from the Blair Chiropractic Membership website; which includes the Blair concepts of misalignment of the upper cervical spine, spinographic technique for the imaging of specific articular misalignments, the interpretation of spinographic findings, leg length procedure and analysis, paraspinal skin temperature differential pattern analysis and all Atlas and Axis side of laterality and side-opposite single misalignment adjustments.


Instructor Prerequisites

  1. 5 years of full-time chiropractic practice (or equivalent part-time practice) using the Blair Technique on at least 80% of patients.
  2. Be a full dues-paying member of the Blair Chiropractic Membership Association for the previous 5 years.
  3. Attendance of at least 3 full three-part Blair Technique seminar series given by different Certified Blair Instructors.
  4. Have held a Level 2 Blair Certification for at least one year.
  5. Possession of or access to Blair Protracto clamps and stereo x-ray equipment or other similar imaging systems such as CBCT which will produce similar articular data needed for proper Blair analysis.
  6. Utilization of both prone leg checks and paraspinal pattern analysis on at least 80% of patients.

Instructor Application Process

  1. The request for Blair Instructor Certification should be submitted to the Director of Certification and Instruction of the Blair Chiropractic Membership Association via email:
  2. Request is to be accompanied by proof of attendance of 3 sets of Primary, Intermediate and Advanced Blair Seminars, including seminar dates and names of instructors.
  3. Payment for the Blair Instructor Certification: TheApplicant  for Instructor Certification will register and pay the normal seminar price stipulated on the Blair Chiropractic Membership Association website for each of the seminars in the Blair Seminar Series..


Instructor Mentorship Process

  1. Once the application has been accepted and approved by the Director of Certification and Instruction, the applicant will be provided a list of Active Mentor Instructors. The Applicant will then contact the Mentor Instructor of their choice and request mentorship.
  2. The applicant will be required to assist an entire Blair Seminar Series including Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced with the same Mentor instructor. In certain justified circumstances the applicant may assist more than one Mentor Instructor to complete the series during the allotted time period
  3. The Applicant must complete the Instructor Mentorship process in 2 years from the date of the first seminar.
  4. Mentor Evaluation: After the applicant has completed the Blair seminar series, the Mentor Instructor will evaluate their ability to teach the Blair Technique.The Mentor Instructor can either pass them, or request that they attend another Mentor Instructors Seminar Series. The applicant would then be granted another 2 years to complete the 2nd Seminar series.
  5. Following successful completion of the Blair Instructor Certification process, the results will be forwarded first to the Director of Certification and Instruction and then on to the Blair Chiropractic Membership Association, and the final decision regarding passage of the applicant will be determined by them.
  6. On final approval the appropriate certificate will then either be sent to the applicant or awarded at the annual Blair Conference.

Maintaining Blair Instructor Status

  1. Attend at least one Blair seminar or the Annual Blair Conference every year.
  2. Remain an active dues paying member of the Blair Chiropractic Membership Association.
  3. The doctor must submit to periodic re-evaluation by Certified Blair Instructors at the choosing of the Director of Certification and Instruction.
  4. A Certified Blair Instructor must maintain outstanding professional ethics as a representative of the Blair Technique and the Blair Chiropractic Society.
  5. Instructors must run all Blair seminars through Blair Society website.
  6. Failure to comply with the above-mentioned requirements or altering the instruction away from the guidelines established by William G. Blair, D.C. will result in either inactivation or revocation of the Instructor certification. Any classes taught without an active Instructor certification will not be approved by the Blair Society, and students will not be able to use those classes towards their own certifications.